Zimmerman Cattle Control Redesigns Headlocks and Milker Carts

Zimmerman Cattle Control knows that anyone working in the dairy economy is facing difficult times at present - but doesn't believe that means we're helplessly stuck and can't do anything about the situation. In that spirit, they have gone back to the drawing board and redesigned two of their products to be more affordable, without sacrificing a speck of quality. The process has actually improved the products. "When we redesigned our headlocks, we discovered we could make them simpler to operate, have less moving parts to wear over time, and have more useful features," says Keith Zimmerman, Vice President of PBZ LLC, which fabricates the equipment. The lowered cost will be an attractive benefit for dairy farmers who need to keep their belts tight in a tough dairy economy, while purchasing a quality product that will last for a longer duration than most.
The latch was redesigned to be more simple and compact, requiring no field adjustments. Cows can be released in groups or individually; the arm has a cushioned stop for a quiet and safe operation. The head opening is quite wide - with no tools required for the easy head adjustment. The main control handle can be mounted anywhere with no drilling; for longer sections, the control rod is available in 20 foot lengths for easy installation. With an optional tripper, it can easily convert from Bottom Release to Conventional Release.
The new headlocks installed within a new 300-head Heifer barn were one of the features of the Open House held at Tom Bollinger's Meadow Springs farm in Rothsville, Pa. on June 15.
The second item Zimmerman redesigned to lower the price is their Milker Cart for Tie Stall barns. "Equipment has changed from what was used ten to fifteen years ago," says Cattle Control Sales Manager Randall Zimmerman. "We removed pieces farmers don't use anymore, which lowered the cost." They also streamlined the two carts formerly offered, and consolidated them into one more versatile and affordable unit that holds up to 10 milking units. The front wheels now contain poly bearings that will not rust over time; the product will also be more readily UPS and Fedex shippable with simple assembly.
Both products are coated with the cutting-edge powder coating specially developed in 2009 that is proving so resistant to the rigors of the dairy environment that the coating is guaranteed for 20 years - unique in the dairy industry. In an uncertain market, Zimmerman Cattle Control is working hard to create products that help dairy farmers better meet their bottom line with products that cost less - while lasting longer and improving performance for a better future.
- Kenton Glick, Marketing Supervisor for Paul B. Zimmerman, Inc., a family of manufacturing and retail companies that serve agricultural, business, and consumer markets.