Workgroup Printers are offered with connectivity options.
Press Release Summary:
Infoprint® Color 1567 is available with serial interface and parallel 1284-B interface cards, while Infoprint 1532, 1552, 1572, and 1585 add decryption card. Decryption card enables sending of encrypted print jobs to printer. Serial interface card lets users connect printer to computer serial port, and parallel 1284-B interface card lets users connect printer to computer IEEE 1284-B parallel port.
Original Press Release:
New Features add Flexibility to IBM Workgroup Printers
At a glance
The following new features are available for IBM's workgroup printers:
Card for IPDS and SCS/TNe
Decryption card
Serial interface card
Parallel 1284-B interface card
Coax/Twinax card for SCS
For ordering, contact:
Your IBM representative, an IBM Business Partner, or IBM Americas Call Centers at 800-IBM-CALL (Reference: YE001).
IBM is adding new features for workgroup printers. These features include:
Infoprint® 1532, 1552, 1572
Decryption card
Serial interface card
Parallel 1284-B interface card
Infoprint 1585
Decryption card
Serial interface card
Parallel 1284-B interface card
Infoprint Color 1567
Serial interface card
Parallel 1284-B interface card
Benefits of these features include:
Sending encrypted print jobs to the printer using the decryption card
Connecting the printer to a computer serial port using the serial interface card
Connecting the printer to a computer IEEE 1284-B parallel port using the parallel 1284-B interface card
Planned availability date
October 28, 2005