Sensors / Detectors / Transducers
Weather Stations feature all-in-one sensor head.
Press Release Summary:

Equipped with electronic compass for automatic orientation of wind direction, Pulsar™ Weather Stations offer multiple meteorological parameter configurations. Measurement options include Doppler radar or tipping bucket precipitation, temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, solar radiation, leaf wetness, and ultrasonic wind speed and direction. Designed with no moving parts, stations provide accurate and stable measurements.
Original Press Release:
New Pulsar(TM) Weather Station Offers All-in-One Module with Multiple Sensor Configurations
Columbia Weather Systems introduces the new line of Pulsar™ Weather Stations, an all-in-one sensor family with multiple meteorological parameter configurations. These high-accuracy, robust sensor modules all include electronic compass for automatic orientation of wind direction. Parameter measurement options include Doppler radar or tipping bucket precipitation, temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, solar radiation, leaf wetness, and ultrasonic wind speed and direction.
The new Pulsar Weather Station is a critical component in the latest Mobile Weather Lab developed by Integrated Microwave Technologies, an industry leader in advanced digital microwave video systems. “Top-notch from top to bottom,” notes Paul Deanno, chief meteorologist for KPIX TV, “this is the best technology when it comes to data collection for weather.”
Columbia Weather Systems manufactures weather monitoring equipment for industries requiring immediate and local meteorological data for operational decisions.