Wastewater Evaporator provides 100% removal of water content.
Press Release Summary:
Thermo Ox Series 3 Dry Chamber Flash Wastewater Evaporator eliminates need to haul wastewater and problems of corrosion and slurry removal. It leaves dry ash in coated ceramic chamber, utilizes any BTU of wastewater for fuel savings, and can use used oil as fuel. Fully automatic unit is suitable for machinery coolants, PCB waste, textiles, heavy equipment, and machinery coolants.
Original Press Release:
RGF Introduces Advanced Oxidation to Their Dry Chamber Flash Evaporator System
Release Date: July 2002
Contact: Public Relations Dept.
RGF is pleased to announce the development and completion of its new Thermo Ox Series 3 Dry Chamber Flash Wastewater Evaporator. The new Series 3 with Advanced Oxidation technology has resulted in higher efficiency and lower emissions with the addition of RGF's proprietary Advanced Oxidation System, ozone, oxygen, hydro peroxides and oxide ions providing a cleaner and more efficient burn.
The RGF Thermo-Oxidizer evaporator is a unique, patent-pending wastewater evaporation system that eliminates the need to haul wastewater and the problems of corrosion and slurry removal and high operating costs associated with traditional evaporators. The RGF Thermo Ox evaporates the wastewater leaving a dry ash (complete 100% removal of water content) in a coated ceramic chamber. It also utilizes any BTU of the wastewater for fuel savings and can use used oil as a fuel. Paybacks of less than 10 months are common. The fully automatic RGF Thermo Oxidizer is ideal for waste disposal applications such as:
- Petroleum Hydrocarbon Waste
- Die Casting
- Alkaline Cleaners
- Machinery Coolants
- Compressor Wastes
- Ink and Paint Waste
- RO, NF, UF Concentrators
- Tumbling Solutions
- Waste Haulers
- Process Wastewater
- Printed Circuit Board Waste
- Tanker Cleaning
- Floor Scrubber Water
- Plating Solutions
- Textiles
- Heavy Equipment
- Food Processing
- Manufacturing Processes
For additional information, please contact RGF Environmental,
3875 Fiscal Court, West Palm Beach, Florida 33404 USA Tel: (561) 848-1826 or 800-842-7771; Fax: (561) 848-9454 or visit our website: www.rgf.com.