Wash Unit saves floor space.

Press Release Summary:

Semi-enclosed Space Saver has 6 x 8 ft footprint. Stainless steel filtration system can be placed in separate room or outdoors. Wash pad, 6 in. off ground, provides safe, easy access. Automatic system offers clear, polycarbonate walls and ceiling, built-in pressure washer, and 24/7 ozone filtration and recirculaton. Portable, PLC-controlled unit includes regenerative blower for vacuum recovery, fan with carbon filters, and 10 micron absolute industrial filter.

Original Press Release:

Riveer Company's New Space Saver Offers Ease of Operation, Convenience, Flexibility

South Haven, MI - Riveer Company, Manufacturer of the Cyclonator®, has added a new product to their line of washing equipment, the Space Saver.

Designed for smaller applications than the Cyclonator®, the Space Saver is a semi-enclosed (3 sides) wash unit intended for such uses as parts washing, phosphate pretreatment, tool and die washing, turf equipment washing and homeowner rental equipment washing.

The Space Saver has a compact 6'x 8' footprint, and the accompanying stainless steel filtration system can be placed either in a separate room or outdoors. It has a 6'x6'x7' wash pad that is only 6" off the ground, providing safe and easy access. The Space Saver is a totally automatic system, which requires no training to use; all you have to do to operate is just squeeze the trigger and it starts. Other features of the Space Saver include: clear polycarbonate walls and ceiling to ensure lots of light, high strength, and chemical stability; built-in pressure washer; 24/7 ozone filtration and recirculaton; it is quiet and odorless and is easy to clean, with complete access to all compartments.

The Space Saver is also completely automatic and portable, and has a super quiet regenerative blower for vacuum recovery. It features a fan with carbon filters to remove odors from the wash rack, and has a 10 micron absolute industrial filter, NEMA 4 electrics and is PLC controlled. It also has a clean out port to remove solids without shutting the system down or removing water from the system.

Options for the Space Saver also include a heated pressure washer and a 2nd stage rinse for phosphate pretreatment.

For more information on the SpaceSaver, please contact the Riveer Company, 233 Veterans Blvd., South Haven, MI 49090. Phone 888-857-7304. FAX 269-637-0177. E-mail: sales@riveer.com. Website: www.cyclonator.com.

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