Ultra-Low Flow Pump utilizes external gear technology.

Press Release Summary:

Compact micro annular gear pump minimizes pulsations for smooth, constant flow. It helps conserve valuable liquids such as flavorings, reagents, solvents, inks, dyes, and cleaning agents. For maximum dosage accuracy, rotors provide tight flow rate control, even at differential pressures to 1,160 psi. They allow pump to dispense volumes down to 0.5 µl and handle flow rates from 0.3-288 ml/min with accuracies within ±1%.

Original Press Release:

Miniature High Pressure Ultra-Low Flow Pumps

Micropump® introduces a new line of high-pressure micro annular gear pumps offering you greater flexibility and ease in equipment integration. Because of their incredibly compact size and lower mass, you can now place these pumps anywhere within a piece of equipment.

Offering precise and accurate fluid delivery, these new pumps help you conserve your valuable liquids, including flavorings, reagents, solvents, inks, dyes and cleaning agents. For maximum dosage accuracy, the micro annular gear pumps feature high precision rotors that provide tight flow rate control, even at differential pressures as high as 80 bar (1,160 psi). These rotors allow the pumps to dispense volumes as small as 0.5 microliters and handle flow rates from 0.3 to 288 ml/min, with accuracies within +/- 1%.

In addition, the pumps use external gear technology that keeps pulsations to a minimum. This provides the smooth, constant flow necessary in applications such as analytical lab instruments, medical diagnostics, fuel cell and micro reaction technology, chemical processing, biotechnology and other critical application processes.

For more than 40 years, Micropump has led the fluid handling industry in the development of miniature pumps and systems for OEM and industrial applications. Micropump utilizes Kaizen, Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma process improvement strategies to improve quality and increase value in its product. To learn more about Micropump's fluid handling solutions, contact Micropump Inc. by phone (360) 253-2008; fax (360) 253-8294; e-mail info.micropump@idexcorp.com or on the Web at: micropump.com/pr.

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