Torque-Controlled Screwdriver uses all-metal gearing.
Press Release Summary:

Original Press Release:
New Brushless Torque-Controlled Screwdriver Announced
A new torque-controlled screwdriver has been announced by ASG, a division of Jergens, Inc. ASG is located at 15700 S. Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110. Telephone (216) 486-6163. Fax (216) 481-4519. Inquiries should be directed to Bonnie Kitchen. E-mail: Web:
The new BL-5000 torque-controlled driver has a brushless motor, eliminating carbon dust and providing longer life. Additionally, its brushless design allows it to be rated for continuous use with minimal heat build-up. Intended for medium to light torque
assembly applications, BL-5000 drivers automatically stop when a pre-set torque is reached, eliminating both over- and under-tightening. Torques are easily adjustable using a hex wrench and can be set between 1.77 and 10.6 lb*in.
The BL-5000 features the unique ability to convert from a lever-start to push-to-start driver in seconds, providing unmatched flexibility. Its compact design, (7.95" long and 12.7 oz. weight), helps reduce operator fatigue. The use of all metal gearing and non-mechanical switches are additional features which increase driver life.