Tool Turrets suit high-volume production machines.
Press Release Summary:

Original Press Release:
Sauter Crown-Type Tool Turrets Recently Upgraded and Expanded
Ramsey, New Jersey. Indexing Technologies Inc. announces that its range of Sauter Crown-Type Tool Turrets has recently been upgraded and expanded.
The Crown-Type Turrets, typically used on multi-station dial and in-line transfer machines, are now available in four sizes, all of which have impressive power and torque capabilities.
This series of turrets uses a single motor for both turret indexing and live tool drive. Most sizes are available with four, six or eight tool positions and with a wide range of standard tool spindles. Multi-spindle and special tooling are also available to meet specific application parameters.
The turrets have a "universal" housing that can be mounted in any orientation. With a rugged design and standard features such as tool speeds up to 15,000 rpm, bi-directional high-speed indexing, a non-lifting tool carrier, high-speed/high-torque tooling and an integral high-pressure coolant distribution system, these turrets are the perfect choice for high-volume production machines for all industries. A compact synchronous drive motor, compatible with most controls, is also available.
Indexing Technologies Inc. is a major supplier of indexing components to original equipment manufacturers, machine tool retrofitters and rebuilders. If you miss the Sauter Crown-Type Turrets at ITI's 2002 IMTS Booth #D-4628, contact Indexing Technologies Inc., 37 Orchard Street, Ramsey, NJ 07446, (201) 934-6333, fax (201) 934-6488. Or, visit the ITI website: