TOC/TN Online Analyzer handles up to 7 different streams.

Press Release Summary:

Series TOC-4110 analyzer incorporates automatic calibration using on-board solutions as well as user-defined calibration checks and measurement conditions. On-board air purifier permits standard house air to be used as carrier gas, and optional Sample Thief aids in analyzing particulated sample streams. Product measures up to 20,000 ppm for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) using on-board dilution function and up to 4,000 ppm for Total Nitrogen (TN).

Original Press Release:

TOC/TN Online Analyzers

Shimadzu's new TOC-4110 Series online analyzers offer a number of capital as well as operational cost-reducing features. A single unit can analyze up to seven different streams. The optional "Sample Thief" eliminates the need for expensive filters when analyzing particulated sample streams. The on-board air purifier eliminates the need for expensive and dangerous gas cylinders and permits standard house air to be used as the carrier gas. For TOC/TN analyzers, the proven combustion oxidation method eliminates the need for chemicals and reduces maintenance requirements.

Shimadzu's TOC-4110 Series incorporates automatic calibration using standard on-board solutions as well as user-defined calibration checks and measurement conditions. The Series features a wide measurement range up to 20,000 ppm for TOC using the on-board dilution function and up to 4000 ppm for Total Nitrogen (TN).

For more information, call 800-477-1227, Fax: 410-381-1222, visit our web site at or write Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., 7102 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD 21046-2502.

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