Test Equipment analyzes catheter and stent delivery performance.
Press Release Summary:
Interventional Device Track Equipment (IDTE) tests and quantitatively analyzes 6 catheter and 3 stent delivery system performance characteristics. PC-controlled equipment utilizes adjustable PFA track configuration that allows 2D and 3D testing, while data collection samples up to 100 data test points per centimeter of catheter or tubing and saves data in spreadsheet form.
Original Press Release:
Machine Solutions Inc. Announces the Launch of New Testing Product Line -Interventional Device Track Equipment
Flagstaff, AZ USA, May 23, 2003 - Machine Solutions Inc.:
Machine Solutions Inc. (MSI) announced today the launch of a new, innovative product group, Interventional Device Track Equipment (IDTE) that will test and quantitatively analyze catheter and stent delivery system performance criteria. Criteria being analyzed will have a direct impact on manufacturer's product design and on the end user of such products such as interventional cardiologists or radiologists. MSI will be showcasing this equipment at the upcoming MDM East Tradeshow in New York City on June 2 - 4, 2003.
The MSI IDTE equipment is PC controlled with an adjustable PFA track configuration that allows both two and three dimensional testing simulating the aortic arch for coronary procedures or the SFA and Illiac branches for peripheral applications. The data collection feature will sample up to 100 data test points per centimeter of catheter or tubing and save the data in spread sheet form for further analysis. This analysis may be helpful for FDA submissions, pre-clinical trial testing, marketing literature, competitive product testing, product design calculations, or many other device related benefits.
The measured catheter characteristics include:
o Push Efficiency
o Guidewire Movement
o Device Crossability
o Trackability Force
o Catheter Flexibility
o Device Lubricity
The measured stent characteristics will include:
o Device Lubricity
o Stent Expansion Force Measurement
o Stent Retention Force Measurement
Machine Solutions Inc. (MSI) is a leading manufacturer and pioneer in providing the medical device community with the premier solution for catheter processing applications. MSI has been instrumental in automating or semi-automating several manual processes within catheter manufacturing organizations. Please visit www.machinesolutions.org for additional corporate and MSI product information.
Machine Solutions Inc.
2901 West Shamrell Boulevard, Suite 101
Flagstaff, AZ 86001 USA
Tel: 928-556-3109
Fax: 928-556-3084
Email: jamesk@machinesolution.org