Telecentric Gauging Lenses fit machine vision applications.

Press Release Summary:

Invarigon-R(TM) family of telecentric gauging and metrology imaging lenses allow precise gauging of 3D objects. Telecentric lens views or displays entire object from same perspective angle, preventing 3D features from exhibiting perspective distortion and image position errors. Objects inside deep holes are visible (undistorted) throughout field. Applications include inspecting objects or scenes where image size and shape accuracy is crucial.

Original Press Release:

Invarigon-R(TM) Telecentric Gauging Lenses

Melles Griot introduces the Invarigon-R(TM) family of low-cost telecentric gauging and metrology imaging lenses, which provide telecentric imaging with a wide selection of magnifications. The following characteristics make Invarigon-R(TM) the preferred lens for machine vision applications where precision gauging is important:
* Telecentric performance (<0.2% chief ray angle over the entire object field) allows precise gauging of 3-dimensional objects
* Large selection of magnifications covers most applications
* Low distortion provides highly accurate images
* Lockable aperture adjusts to select the required depth of field
* Fine focus adjustment provides sharper images
* Rugged, single-piece design stands up to harsh industrial environments
* High-performance multilayer coatings provide the highest image clarity, especially for back-lit applications
* Standard C-mount camera interface

One of the most important benefits of a telecentric lens is that image magnification does not change as object distance varies. A telecentric lens views or displays the entire object from the same perspective angle. Thus three- dimensional features will not exhibit the perspective distortion and image position errors present using a standard camera lens. Objects inside deep holes are visible throughout the field, undistorted, therefore, telecentric lenses are extremely useful for inspecting three-dimensional objects or scenes where image size and shape accuracy is crucial.

Other machine vision products include Invaritar(TM) and Macro Invaritar(TM) telecentric gauging lenses, and cost-effective, custom IVM(TM) (integrated-vision modules) that include lighting, optics and cameras in an ergonomic package optimized for integrators and end-users.

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