Strain Gages are rated up to 1,800°F.
Press Release Summary:
High-Temperature, Weldable Strain Gages are free-filament wire units pre-bonded to shim stock with flame-sprayed alumina. Bonded wire design resists fatigue, making gages suited for dynamic, impact, or vibratory strain measurements. Devices come with choice of Nichrome V or Pt8W sensor alloys and either of 2 types of pre-attached, high-temperature, insulated cable. All feature nominal resistance of 120 ohms and sensor gage length of 0.25 in.
Original Press Release:
New Vishay Micro-Measurements High-Temperature Weldable Strain Gages Offer Easy Installation, High Resistance to Fatigue, and Temperature Rating up to 980 °C [1800 °F]
MALVERN, PENNSYLVANIA - February 5, 2004 - Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. (NYSE: VSH) has released a new series of High-Temperature Weldable Strain Gages optimized for high-temperature testing applications, such as stress analysis, with a temperature rating up to 980 °C [1800 °F].
The new strain gages from Vishay Micro-Measurements are free-filament wire strain gages that have been pre-bonded to shim stock with flame-sprayed alumina. As a result, the new gages are easy to install in the field, especially on large structures, through welding to the test structure with a capacitive discharge spot welder such as Vishay's Model 700.
With a bonded wire design that resists fatigue, the new High-Temperature Weldable Strain Gages are an excellent choice for dynamic, impact, or vibratory strain measurements. While designed primarily for dynamic measurement applications, the active dummy method of temperature compensation can be used when static strain measurements are made.
The gages released today are available in four options, with a choice of Nichrome V or Pt8W sensor alloys and either of two types of pre-attached, high-temperature, insulated cable: M-Series or F-Series.
Gages with M-Series leadwires consist of a free-filament gage bonded to a shim with an integral high-temperature cable with chromel/alumel wires. The new High-Temperature Weldable Strain Gages are best suited for high-temperature applications in which protection against moisture is not required; however, each M-Series gage features a mineral-insulated, two-conductor cable with an Inconel metal jacket that offers excellent protection in harsh environments and a temperature rating up to 980 °C [1800 °F]. The ends of the gage are sealed to avoid moisture absorption during shipping or storage.
Gages with F-Series leadwires consist of a free-filament gage bonded to a shim, a weldable transition terminal, and a high-temperature cable with chromel/alumel wire. A fiberglass-insulated, braided, two-conductor cable assembly is attached at the gage end through alumina insulators strapped to the terminal shim, providing a firm anchor for the cable at the gage end. The cable conductors are threaded through lengthwise holes in the alumina insulators and bonded to the insulators with high-strength ceramic cement to prevent wire movement at the gage-cable weld junction. The flexible fiberglass cable is rated to 650 °C [1200 °F] and provides reliable performance in installations where fraying due to vibration is not a concern.
All four gage configurations feature nominal resistance of 120 Ù, a sensor gage length of 0.25 in., a shim length of 0.50 in., and a shim width of 0.30 in.
Production quantities of the new strain gages are available now.
Vishay Micro-Measurements is a division of Vishay Measurements Group. Vishay Measurements Group develops, manufacturers, and markets a broad range of sensors for a wide variety of test and measurement applications. These include electrical resistance strain gages for both stress analysis testing and transducer manufacturing applications, instrumentation, and hybrid strain gage assemblies under the Vishay Micro-Measurements brand, and transducers for OEM applications and certified load cells for electronic scales and other weighing applications under the Vishay Nobel, Sensortronics, Tedea-Huntleigh, BLH, and Celtron brands.
Vishay Measurements Group is part of Vishay Intertechnology, a Fortune 1,000 Company listed on the NYSE that is one of the world's largest manufacturers of discrete semiconductors (diodes, rectifiers, transistors, optoelectronics, and selected ICs) and passive electronic components (resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transducers). The Company's components can be found in products manufactured in a very broad range of industries worldwide. Vishay is headquartered in Malvern, Pennsylvania, and has plants in 17 countries employing over 25,000 people. Vishay can be found on the Internet at