Stahlin Non-Metallic Enclosures- CF and F Series Small Junction Enclosures for Compact and Portable Control Applications

Stahlin Non-Metallic CF and F Series enclosures are ideal for compact or portable control or simply as a small junction box. Both series feature a slim style with flush sidewalls. The F Series also features an overhang cover style and adds back panel mounting capabilities. Both of these streamlined series feature unobstructed sidewalls, captive stainless steel cover screws and a full range of sizes. Both are designed with Stahlin's patented fiberglass reinforced polyester and feature a continuous polyurethane gasket that provides a complete environmental seal.
Both Stahlin Non-Metallic Enclosures' CF and F Series have been tested to meet the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) IP ratings. The new ratings are based on a proven ability to withstand intrusion by something as small and gentle as a particle of dust and as large and strong as water "projected in powerful jets."
F Series (Small Junction) UL Listed to IP66, IP67, IP68 as well as NEMA Type 1, 3R, 4X, 6P, 12
CF (Small Junction) Series UL Listed to IP66, IP67, IP68 as well as NEMA Type 1, 3R, 4X, 6P, 12
For more information on the Stahlin Non-Metallic CF and F Series Enclosures visit: