Sensor converts shaft to torque sensor in 15 minutes.

Press Release Summary:

Model 1650B Snap-On Rotary Torque Sensor clamps onto drive train to take measurement data. It does not break into drive train to install in-line torque cell, and requires no professional installation. Model 1650B comes pre-calibrated. Installation requires users to clamp on 2 halves of sensor shell, position antenna, and connect wireless receiver. Available for shaft diameters from 2.5 to 15 in., it can be used at shaft speeds up to 2500 rpm.

Original Press Release:

Clamp-On Torque Sensor Converts Your Shaft Into A Rotary Torque Sensor In 15 Minutes

The new Sensotec 1650B Rotary Torque Sensor literally clamps onto the drive train and, within 15 minutes, converts the shaft into a rotary torque transducer ready to take measurement data.

This unique 1650B System avoids the need to break into the drive train to install an in-line torque cell, it eliminates the need for skilled personnel to cement strain gauges onto the shaft, and does not require the installation of maintenance-intensive slip rings.

The 1650B clamp on sensor assembly comes pre-calibrated. Installation only requires the user to clamp on the two halves of the sensor shell, position the antenna and connect the wireless receiver. There is nothing to wear out, and maintenance is virtually eliminated.

This rotary torque transducer is ideal for proving trials or commissioning of driver/driven transmission trains to ensure design criteria are met or that drive trains are not overloaded. The 1650B Rotary Torque Sensor can be used for temporary or permanent installations. It is immune to oil, dirt and water, making it ideal for most industrial applications. The unit is available for shaft diameters from 2.5 inches to 15 inches and can be used at shaft speeds up to 2500 rpm.

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