Security Service helps dealerships protect system data.
Press Release Summary:
Data Security Check service takes recurring snapshots of system access activities within dealership management systems and compiles report that lists vendors accessing system, areas accessed, logins used, and security risk level assigned to each party accessing system. Service enables dealers to monitor vendors' system activities, evaluate potential security risks, and mitigate breaches and system performance issues resulting from improper activities.
Original Press Release:
Reynolds and Reynolds Launches Data Security Check to Help Dealerships Better Protect System Data
DAYTON, Ohio, Jan. 25 -- Last year an estimated 55 million Americans were exposed to potential identity theft as a result of 130 disclosed data breaches, according to ComputerWorld. More and more, these security breaches are not the handiwork of hackers, but often of employees or third parties given access to company systems and data.
Rising data and identity theft is forcing dealerships to face growing security risks and legislative pressure. Dealers have an obligation to protect customer information kept in their dealer management systems (DMS).
To help dealers better monitor dealership data and third-party vendors accessing their Reynolds dealer management system, The Reynolds and Reynolds Company (NYSE:REY) is introducing a Data Security Check service.
Reynolds' Data Security Check takes recurring snapshots of system access activities within the DMS and compiles a comprehensive report. The report lists vendors accessing the system, system area(s) accessed and the logins being used to connect to the system. A security risk level is then assigned to each party found to be accessing the system.
Now, dealers can regularly monitor vendors' system activities, evaluate potential security risks and help mitigate breaches and system performance issues resulting from improper activities.
According to Bob Schaefer, technical director of Reynolds Information Services, "Reynolds' goal is to make dealers aware of which third-party vendors are accessing their system and arm them so they can make informed decisions on how to protect their data. Historically, it's been difficult for dealers to monitor the activities of technology and service vendors they've hired. After a dealer grants system access, they've had to essentially trust vendors to use their dealership data or systems appropriately.
"With Data Security Check, that will no longer be the case - they'll know who and what applications are being accessed. At Reynolds, we believe that data belongs to the dealer," he said.
For subscribers, Reynolds' Data Security Check provides the following services and features:
o System Security Report - Provides a list of names, descriptions of the areas accessed, and the login used to enter the system. The report helps dealers identify where potential data leaks may occur.
o Security Risk Rating - Assigns a risk level to each entry on the System Security Report. Levels range from "Trust with Reynolds Certified Interface Vendor" to "Remove Immediately."
The Reynolds Certified Interface program allows approved software application providers access to the Reynolds DMS using standard data interfaces. Vendors certified under the program are regularly monitored and tested according to program guidelines. For more information on current vendors in the program, visit:
o Non-System Supported Software Check - A system check is run for non-system supported code/software being written or deposited on the dealer's system. Helps to ensure data safety and to optimize DMS performance.
o Quarterly Newsletter - Provides dealers a review of legislative activities in data security and compliance.
Reynolds Data Security Check is now available to dealerships in the United States using the Reynolds dealer management system.
About Reynolds
Reynolds and Reynolds ( helps automobile dealers sell cars and take care of customers. Serving dealers since 1927, it is the leading provider of dealer management systems in the U.S. and Canada. The company's award-winning product, service and training solutions include a full range of retail Web and Customer Relationship Management solutions, e-learning and consulting services, documents, data management and integration, networking and support and leasing services. Reynolds serves automotive retailers and OEMs globally through its incadea solution and a worldwide partner network, as well as through its consulting practice.
Source: The Reynolds and Reynolds Company
CONTACT: Michelle Zendah of The Reynolds and Reynolds Company,
+1-937-485-8499, or