SCR De-NOx Scrubber Systems
In today's modern era of computer-based commerce processing, many large companies feature large computer datacenters, which process large volumes of worldwide transactions, as a standard business. Their computer systems are the main hub of their strength, and are responsible for millions (and sometimes billions) of dollars of daily transactions. Suffice it to say these datacenters must be on line and highly reliable, 365 days per year.
These high tech installations usually include a complete backup power generation system, which provide all power needs, should the local power supplies from local utilities fail. Datacenters like these include large banks of diesel engine-powered generators, designed to give backup power to the entire operation.
One of the key components of a large power generation system is the Select Catalytic Reduction (SCR) De-Nox Scrubber. This system is designed to effectively reduce NOx content in diesel engine exhaust gases. The reducing agent in this type of scrubber is an ammonia source, frequently urea, and is injected into the exhaust stream just prior to a catalytic media. The result is a conversion of the NOx into nitrogen and water vapor, which can be vented to atmosphere.
This urea pumping system is an integrated system, and includes many elements - urea storage tanks, urea truck delivery stations, the urea pumping system, including a master control system, tank monitoring system, primary delivery header system, and individual SCR system for each generator.
The urea pumping system with controls is a product that crosses many disciplines, and requires an a supplier with an in-depth knowledge of all elements - using air or electric service to drive and control the fluid pumping equipment, tank monitoring systems, the distribution of fluid in a header system, electronics and communications in control panels, the use of flow meters to control chemical metering pumps to inject urea into an injection nozzle based on engine load output.
Together, these elements work as a finely tuned machine in scrubbing NOx from the engine exhaust, thereby making it safe for the environment.
About Robert Brown Associates
Robert Brown Associates is a full service industrial fluid pump sales and pump systems package provider. The company has over 30 years of experience in pump installations and systems design. Robert Brown Associates was established in 1982 and utilizes facilities, engineered fluid pump staff, service personnel, service vehicles and an extensive inventory from major industrial fluid pump manufacturers. Learn more at
Robert Brown Associates
Tom Halley
6-C Mount Pleasant Road Aston PA 19014
Tel: 610.354.0200 | Fax: 610.354.0340