Repair Component evaluates/repairs ASME pressure vessels.
Press Release Summary:
PMCap provides code-compliant, non-intrusive, permanent repair of pressure boundaries. Metal Loss Evaluation Assessment (MLEA) charts, generated by Fitness for Service software program, provides for immediate field assessment of vessel to determine ASME Code compliance. Supplied as Code material or certified PART for vessel alteration, customized repair component is welded to outside surface using full penetration weld to encapsulate defect.
Original Press Release:
MLEA Inc. Introduces New ASME Pressure Vessel Repair Component and Fitness for Service Evaluation Method
Exton, PA, July 2003 - MLEA Inc. has developed a new means of evaluating and repairing ASME pressure vessels more effectively and economically than traditional finite element, flush patch and weld overlay methods. Industry has benefited from reduced repair costs and downtime with MLEA's innovative approaches.
MLEA has developed the PMCap* which offers the only Code compliant, non-intrusive, permanent repair of pressure boundaries. Metal Loss Evaluation Assessment (MLEA) charts, generated by MLEA's proprietary Fitness for Service software program, provide for immediate field assessment of vessel as found data to determine ASME Code compliance.
The PMCap is a customized repair component that provides a quick and cost-effective alternative to flush patch and weld overlay repair methods. The PMCap is welded to the outside surface using a full penetration weld to encapsulate the defect. Installation of the PMCap replaces degraded pressure boundary material and restores Code compliance. The PMCap eliminates draining or purging the vessel, cutting the shell, and foreign matter intrusion, resulting in significant time and cost savings.
PMCaps are designed and constructed to meet ASME Section VIII, Div. 1 or ASME/ANSI Piping Code rules. They are supplied as either Code "material" or a certified "PART" for vessel alteration. The complete package includes hardware, Partial Data Report, drawing, and certified calculation. PMCaps and MLEA charts have been accepted by the NBIC, state jurisdictions, and major insurance carriers.
The PMCap can be configured to fit any vessel and includes improved corrosion-resistant material or corrosion allowance. PMCaps are fabricated from material compatible with existing base metal for encapsulation of shell, head or nozzle regions, as well as pipe wall. FPMCaps are normally supplied as pre-staged components to support maintenance planning.
For more information, contact Main Line Engineering Associates (MLEA Inc)., 211 Welsh Pool Rd, Suite 120, Exton, PA 19341. (610) 594-9310; Fax: (610) 594-9311; E-mail:; Web:
*Patent Pending