Removal Tool unlocks vibration-proof fasteners.

Press Release Summary:

Removal Tool is designed to disengage Permanentech(TM) Vibration-Proof, Self-Locking Nut-Bolt fasteners to enable product inspection or repair. It is fabricated from high tensile steel and incorporates circular head with notched extension. Device fits into tine nut structure, lifts flexible characteristics of tine and permits nut removal from bolt by counter rotation without marring or disturbing bolt thread structure. Bolt may be reused with new nut.

Original Press Release:

Exclusive Removal Tool Unlocks Vibration-Proof Fasteners

Valhalla, NY, September 2002... A unique, task-specific, Removal Tool designed to disengage Permanentech(TM) Vibration-Proof, Self-Locking Nut-Bolt fasteners in order to enable product inspection or repair is now available from Permanent Technologies, Inc. The new tool lifts the tine nut off the bolt, without marring or disturbing bolt thread structure. The bolt, designed with longitudinal channels, may then be reused with a new nut installed.

Fabricated from high tensile steel and incorporating a circular head with a notched extension, the device fits into the tine nut structure, lifts the flexible characteristics of the tine and permits easy nut removal from the bolt by counter rotation.

The multi-patented Self-Locking Vibration-Proof System is a one way nut and bolt combination which locks in the nut to the bolt at predetermined intervals, eliminating the possibility of vibration. U-shape, S-shape and J-shape hanger fastener systems that slip onto or into panels to form a locking nut subassembly are also available. Manufactured with metal or injection molded materials, in standard and custom sizes, the system provides standard and radial thread designs for a permanently locking nut and bolt combination as well as an unlockable type commensurate with the removal tool use.

Designed and developed over a period of 10 years, the system has many key uses including: automotive, marine, aerospace and avionics, off-road equipment, industrial machinery, defense, road, bridge and highway construction, steel construction, railway, medical instruments and electronics. Price and delivery are subject to material and size requirements, with bulk quantity discounts available.

For a Free "Guide to Vibration-Proof Fastener Technology", call, write, fax or e-mail Permanent Technologies, Inc., 14 Roosevelt Drive, Valhalla, NY 10595; e-mail:; Tel/Fax: (914) 949-5944 or visit:

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