Rehm Help Tectron Efficiently Reduce Noise Levels!

Rehm chose the central cooling system with direct expansion to best meet Tectron's challenge, as it enabled Tectron to use an external refrigeration supply system located outside of the manufacturing buildings and therefore helped to reduce waste heat and the amount of noise in the production hall itself.

How it works...

Liquid coolant is distributed to Tectron's 7 production lines via copper pipes and evaporated in special plate heat exchangers. Ultimately the coolant removes the heat produced and enables the system to run more efficiently.

By using this design, it made it possible to avoid introducing water pipes into the production system itself and also meant that the small cross-sections from the external refrigeration unit to the production lines inside the building could then be installed at a cost effective and manageable level, which is a big advantage of this system.

What were Tectron impressed with?

The low investment costs and the 25%-30% reduction in power consumption convinced Tectron to use the system

Reduced levels of waste allowed them to make other savings, such as smaller air conditioning units and using up to 66% of the extracted process heat to pre-heat drinking water or even boost the heating system

The goal of reducing noise pollution was achieved and has been completely removed in the production hall

Even though production lines are now supplied centrally, each soldering unit can still be governed individually
Future expansion of the production facility can be achieved as an appropriate reserve capacity has been incorporated

Could you organisation benefit from this system?

If you feel that your production facility could benefit from incorporating a central cooling system please do get in touch with a member of the Rehm team who will be happy to discuss your individual requirements.

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