Pulse Discharge Detector extends detection capabilities of GCs.
Press Release Summary:

Designed for plug-and-play installation on Agilent 6890 and 7890 GCs, Model D-3 is optimized for trace level work in helium photoionization mode, and utilizes electronics and power supply of host GC. System includes detector cell, pulser, and FID board, plus standard and mini helium purifiers for optimal sensitivity. Suitable for use with columns from 50 micron capillaries to 1/8 in. packed, Model D-3 is non-radioactive and non-destructive.
Original Press Release:
Pulse Discharge Detector
VICI's Pulsed Discharge helium ionization Detector (PDD) extends the detection capabilities of the popular Agilent 6890 and new 7890 GCs. The basic operating mode of the PDD can replace virtually any of the detectors currently used by GC manufacturers.
Pulsed discharge detector Model D-3 is designed for plug-and-play installation on Agilent GCs, with models available for the 6890 and 7890. The D-3 is optimized for trace level work in the helium photoionization mode, and utilizes the electronics and power supply of the host GC. The system includes detector cell, pulser, and FID board, plus standard and mini helium purifiers to provide the best possible sensitivity. It is suitable for use with columns from 50 micron capillaries to 1/8" packed.
The PDD is non-radioactive, non-destructive, highly sensitive and universal. Response is linear over a wide range, and MDQs for most compounds are in the low ppb range. With no open flame, no hydrogen requirement and close-to-true-mass response, the PDD is the ideal upgrade for FIDs in petrochemical environments. When the helium discharge gas is doped with a suitable noble gas, the detector functions as a lampless, windowless photoionization detector.
For more information: Valco Instruments Co., Inc. P. O. Box 55603, Houston, Texas 77255; Phone: (800) 367-8424; Fax: (713) 688-3948; Web: vici.com;
e-mail: valco@vici.com