Portable Power Units withstand harsh field conditions.
Press Release Summary:
Suited for heavy-duty use with hydraulic pumps, 4700 series power units offer John Deere Power Tech Diesel engines. Welded steel frames incorporate fuel tank and have heat exchanger mounted in front of radiator. Murphy shut down system protects engine and Hydraulics System, which is able to run biodegradable oils. Available in standard and custom configurations, units' open design facilitates servicing.
Original Press Release:
McCausland Pumps, 4700 Series Portable Power Unit
McCausland's new 4700 series Portable Power Units, designed for heavy duty use with hydraulic pumps in the field, feature John Deere Power Tech Diesel engines. The welded steel frame incorporates the fuel tank and has the heat exchanger mounted in front of the radiator.
A Murphy shut down system protects engine and Hydraulics. The Hydraulic System is able to run Biodegradable oils.
The entire system is of open design to facilitate ease of servicing. The 4700 series Portable Power Units are economically priced, designed to be cost effective and withstand harsh conditions in the field. Standard or custom configurations are readily available from McCausland Pumps of Jacksonville, Florida.
John E, McCausland, Inc. is located at 1815 East 21st Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32206