Parallel Positioner comes in standard and vacuum versions.

Press Release Summary:

Measuring 130 mm dia x 115 mm high, M-811 Miniature Hexapod can handle loads to 11 lb and position them in all 6° of freedom with 0.04 µm actuator resolution and ±0.5 µm repeatability. Unit features XYZ travels of 35/35/13 mm and velocities to 10 mm/sec. Positioner comes bundled with software and digital controller with high-speed Ethernet connectivity. Unlike rotation stages which come with fixed center of rotation, Hexapod lets user set and change pivot any time via software.

Original Press Release:

6-Axis Precision Parallel Positioner: Versatile Miniature Hexapod

Auburn, MA, PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P. - a leading manufacturer of precision parallel kinematics motion control systems - has released a new miniature hexapod. Two versions - for standard conditions and for vacuum applications -are available.

Small, yet Versatile and High Force

The new M-811 miniature Hexapod measures only 130 mm in diameter and 115 mm in height. Despite its small size, it can handle loads to 5 kg (11 lbs) and position them in all six degrees of freedom with sub-micrometer precision.

Features & Advantages
  • Small but High Load Capacity: 11 lb (5 kg)
  • High Precision: Actuator Resolution 0.04µm, Repeatability : ±0.5µm
  • Versatile Motion: 6 Degrees of Freedom + Randomized Center of Rotation
  • Velocity to 10 mm/sec
  • XYZ-Travel: 35/35/13mm; Rotations: XYZ: 20°/20°/40°
  • Digital Controller and Software Included

    More Information on Hexapods:

    Software, Programming and Controller

    Like all PI parallel kinematic Hexapod positioners, the miniature vacuum Hexapod comes bundled with software and a highly specialized digital controller with high-speed Ethernet connectivity. Programming and commanding the Hexapod is simple and straight-forward, as all positions are conveniently given in Cartesian coordinates (XYZ, Theta X, Theta Y, Theta Z).

    Parallel Kinematics vs Conventional Serial Kinematics

    Parallel-kinematics positioning systems have several advantages over conventional stacked multi-axis positioners. All six actuators directly affect one common platform, significantly reducing mass and inertia. Moreover, there is no accumulation of the lateral and angular runout errors of the individual axes. Unlike rotation stages and goniometers which come with a fixed center of rotation, the PI Hexapod concept lets the user set and change the pivot any time via software.

    Hexapod Applications, Range

    Today, hexapod applications are found in all technology fields: medical engineering, X-ray microscopy, photonics alignment, semiconductor test & metrology, astronomy, precision machining, aeronautics, high-energy physics, etc. PI is the leading manufacturer of precision micropositioning and nanopositioning hexapods. The company introduced its first hexapod 2 decades ago for a precision alignment system in an astronomical telescope and provides a large variety of different models with load capacity from 2 kg to more than 2,000 kg.

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