Nhon Trach 2 Combined Cycle Power Plant Goes on Line in Vietnam
After a construction period of only 28.5 months the Nhon Trach 2 combined cycle power plant started commercial operation in Vietnam on October 16, 2011. Siemens supplied the power block comprising main components such as gas turbines, heat-recovery steam generators, steam turbine, generator, and instrumentation and controls. The general contractor Lilama erected the power plant for the end customer Petro Vietnam Nhon Trach 2 Joint Stock Company. With an installed capacity of approximately 760 megawatts (MW) and an efficiency of over 57 percent Nhon Trach 2 will make an ecofriendly contribution toward meeting the country's significant increase in power demand. Thanks to advanced Siemens burner technology the plant's nitrogen oxide emissions are very low at less than 15 ppm (parts per million).
The Nhon Trach 2 combined cycle plant is located in the south of Dong Nai Province, approximately 35 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City. For the multi shaft plant in which the gas turbines and the steam turbine are each coupled with a dedicated generator, Siemens supplied the power block on a turnkey basis. It comprises two SGT5-4000F gas turbines, two heat-recovery steam generators, an SST5-5000 steam turbine, three SGen-1000A air-cooled generators, the entire electrical equipment, and instrumentation and controls (SPPA-T3000) as well as the ancillary and auxiliary systems. Siemens will in the future assume responsibility for maintenance of the main components.
Vietnam is one of the fastest growing countries in Southeast Asia and its power demand is increasing by between 11 and 13 percent per year. Power plants with a combined capacity of a mere 21 gigawatts are installed there, which is only sufficient to meet one-tenth of actual power demand. The fast erection of new power plants is of existential importance for a country suffering permanent power shortages. "Thanks to the outstanding cooperation between all parties involved in the project, the power plant entered commercial operation after only 28.5 months. We completed our part three months ahead of the agreed date," said Lothar Balling, head of Gas Turbine Power Plant Solutions in Siemens Fossil Power Generation Division. "This power plant also tops the contractually warranted figures both for output and efficiency and also in terms of emissions. This plant thus sets new benchmarks in Vietnam."
High-efficiency combined cycle power plants are part of Siemens' Environmental Portfolio. In fiscal 2010, revenue from the Portfolio totaled about EUR28 billion, making Siemens the world's largest supplier of ecofriendly technologies. In the same period, our products and solutions enabled customers to reduce their carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 270 million tons, an amount equal to the total annual CO2 emissions of the megacities Hong Kong, London, New York, Tokyo, Delhi and Singapore.
The Siemens Energy Sector is the world's leading supplier of a complete spectrum of products, services and solutions for power generation in thermal power plants and using renewables, power transmission in grids and for the extraction, conversion and transport of oil and gas. In fiscal 2010 (ended September 30), the Energy Sector had revenues of approximately EUR25.5 billion and received new orders totaling more than EUR30.1 billion and posted a profit of more than EUR3.3 billion. On September 30, 2010, the Energy Sector had a work force of more than 88,000. Further information is available at: http://www.siemens.com/energy.
Siemens AG
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Media Relations: Gerda Gottschick
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E-mail: gerda.gottschick@siemens.com
Siemens AG
Energy Sector - Fossil Power Generation Division
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