New VariSifter Sonic Separator Features Universal Power Converter
Press Release Summary:

- Model VS1000 includes touch screen, fully adjustable frequency and multiple built-in tapping options
- Capable of fast achieving separations of particles ranging from 5.6 mm down to 3 μm
- Uses 3” clear acrylic sieves as well as combines true sonic technology with programmable components
Original Press Release:
Manufacture and Release of Varisifter Sonic Separator, for Fine Particle Separation, Expedited in Response to Pandemic
Product Launch Corresponds with Advantech Manufacturing, Inc.’s – the Originator of Sonic Sifting Technology – 50th Anniversary
Milwaukee, WI (October 22, 2020) – Advantech Manufacturing, Inc. has made available the industry’s first next-generation sonic dry particle separating device called the VariSifter Sonic Separator (Model: VS1000). Demand for sonic sieving products generated by the COVID-19 global pandemic, particularly from the pharmaceutical and laboratory industries, initiated early manufacture of the device to aid in the control and recovery efforts. Having been in development for several years and finalized in mid2020, the formal product launch of this highly anticipated device was expedited so units could be available immediately. Advantech and many distributors are offering reduced introductory pricing and substantial promotional “booster packs” to further encourage implementation of this efficiency increasing device.
“This upgraded machine has been a long time in the making, and it thankfully arrived when the industry needs it most,” said James Lang, Owner and President of Advantech Manufacturing, Inc. “We are thankful that we are able to get this product out to our customers ahead of schedule.”
Advantech Manufacturing, Inc., originated and perfected sonic sifting technology in the 1970s. The result was the production of the L3P Sonic Sifter – the VariSifter’s predecessor and now sister product – which revolutionized dry, fine particle separation and became the standard for quality control labs around the world. The new VariSifter Sonic Separator combines this tried and true sonic technology with state-of-the-art, programmable components. Exclusive features include a touch screen, fully adjustable frequency and amplitude, multiple built-in tapping options and a universal power converter. The device uses 3” clear acrylic sieves that, with an oscillating air column created by a sonic wave accompanied by tapping actions, are capable of quickly achieving separations of particles ranging from 5.6 mm down to 3 μm.
The release of the VariSifter coincides with the 50th Anniversary of Advantech Manufacturing, Inc. Founded in 1970, the company explored several industries, but the popularity of the original “Sonic Sifter” is what led to the recognition of the demand for high quality test sieves, which the company now solely focuses on. Since its creation, the company has become one of the world’s leading manufacturers of ASTM E11 U.S. Standard Test Sieves and other material testing equipment.
About Advantech Test Sieves and Shakers:
Founded in 1970 and located in New Berlin, WI (Milwaukee area) Advantech Test Sieves and Shakers, a division of Advantech Manufacturing, Inc., is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-quality ASTM E11 U.S. standard test sieves and sieve shakers. Advantech’s equipment is sold throughout the world primarily through distributor partners. Advantech Contract Machining, another division, is a full-service contract machine shop. Advantech Manufacturing, Inc. is a veteranowned Small Business and all products are made in the USA. For more information visit
Colin Daviau
Phone: 262-786-1600