New Model RBD-15 Dampers are Rated for Pressures Up to 4 in. wg.
Press Release Summary:

The Model RBD-15 Remote Balancing Dampers are offered in sizes up to 48 in. width and height and are constructed of heavy gauge galvanized steel. The units are suitable for applications where dampers cannot be adjusted manually for balance and airflow. They are operated with hand-held controller and are rated to velocities up to 2000 fpm.
Original Press Release:
Greenheck Expands Remote Balancing Damper Line
Greenheck has added Model RBD-15 to its line of remote balancing dampers. Constructed of heavy gauge galvanized steel, Model RBD-15 is a multi-blade balancing damper rated for pressure differential up to 4 in. wg. and velocities up to 2,000 fpm. Remote balancing dampers are ideal for applications where it is difficult to gain access to manually adjust the damper for balance and airflow. Available in sizes up to 48 inches in width and height, Model RBD-15 is operated with a hand-held controller from an access point at a diffuser or wall plate. No permanent electrical power is required.
Greenheck, the worldwide leader in manufacturing and distributing air movement, conditioning and control equipment, offers the most UL certified dampers and the largest selection of AMCA licensed dampers in the industry.
For more information about Greenheck products, visit or contact Greenheck, P.O. Box 410, Schofield, WI 54476-0410, (715) 359-6171, FAX (715) 355-2399.
Sara Valiska