New Marposs Electronic Gauge Amplifiers to Be Featured at Eastec 2015.
Auburn Hills, Michigan — Marposs Corp. will present its new generation P3up and P7up electronic gauge amplifiers at EASTEC in booth #3008. The devices are intended for connecting to Marposs measuring heads, and represent an economical, practical and reliable solution for in-process work-piece monitoring on grinding machines. The P3up is ideal for simple in-process gauging applications, while the P7up is intended for more complex applications.
The P3up and P7up are intended for direct pin-for-pin replacement of older, obsolete Marposs electronic gauge amplifiers. The new units will extend the life of older in-process gauge applications without dramatically impacting the machine control or gauge system. This minimizes the cost impact on upgrading expired electronics.
Using the P3up or P7up amplifier, together with Marposs measuring heads, permits real-time monitoring of the grinding process. As the part is being ground, the stock removal is measured and is compared to set points that the process requires in order to control the machining process and part quality. The new electronic gauge amplifiers and Marposs measuring heads are suitably protected for use in hostile workshop environments.
Complete information on the new P3up and P7up electronic gauge amplifiers can be found at the company’s web site, by calling toll-free 1-888-627-7677 or by E-mail to
For Additional Information Contact:
Steve Penn
Penn Marketing Services
(248) 376-4077
3300 Cross Creek Pkwy
Auburn Hills MI 48326
(248) 370-0404