Metal Bonding Epoxy offers optimal shear, peel strengths.
Press Release Summary:

Formulated for service from -73°C to over +205°C, Supreme 11HT produces bonds that exhibit tensile shear strength in excess of 2,300 psi and T-peel strength of 25 pli. This 2-part structural adhesive, which is 100% reactive and cures at room temperature or above, does not contain any diluents, solvents, or hazardous ingredients. Formula is resistant to impact, thermal shock, vibration, and fatigue cracking as well as moisture, creep, and corrosion.
Original Press Release:
Metal Bonding Adhesive Achieves Powerful Shear and Peel Strengths
Hackensack, NJ - Designed to replace rivets and spot welds in metal lap joints, structural adhesive Supreme 11HT produces tough and high strength bonds having excellent shear and peel strengths. Master Bond's innovative metal bonding adhesive is formulated for service from -73°C to over 205°C. It offers superior resistance to impact, thermal shock, vibration and fatigue cracking, while also maintaining moisture, creep, corrosion and thermal resistance. This two part metal bonding epoxy offers a relatively fast cure at room temperature, or a more rapid cure at elevated temperatures. 100% reactive, it does not contain any diluents, solvents or any hazardous ingredients.
Supreme 11HT is unique in the wide variety of different metals to which it offers outstanding adhesion. Its high strength bonds are remarkably resistant to chemicals including fuels, water, oil and many organic solvents even upon prolonged exposures. Significant metal bonding strength characteristics include tensile shear strength in excess of 2,300 psi and T-peel strength of 25 pli. Adhesion to brass, aluminum, Nitenol, glass, ceramics, vulcanized rubbers and many plastics is excellent. The hardened adhesive is a superior electrical insulator. Its imposing performance profile qualifies Supreme 11HT metal adhesive for use in difficult applications in the aerospace, electronic, electrical, appliance, automotive and chemical industries.
About Master Bond's Metal Bonding Adhesive:
Master Bond's array of metal adhesives and coatings for metal surfaces are effectively applied on dissimilar metal substrates. These include metals with different melting points which are difficult to bond by other joining technologies. High-strength and durable bonds can be developed for aluminum adhesive bonding as well as for cast iron, stainless steel, titanium, brass, chromium. Copper and stainless steel adhesive offers chemical and abrasion resistance as well as thermal shock and vibration durability for service in high and very low, cryogenic temperatures. Read more about Master Bond's adhesives for metal bonding: or contact Sheila Frankel: Phone: +44-207-100-7251Fax: 44-207-060-0628 E-mail: