Matrox Extio Remote Graphics Unit Selected to Power New ABB 800xA Extended Operator Workplace
Montreal, Canada, March 14h, 2007 - Matrox Graphics Inc., the leading manufacturer of graphics solutions for professionals, announces that its line of Extio remote graphics units (RGUs) has been selected by ABB Automation Technologies for integration in the new ABB System 800xA Extended Operator Workplace - a complete workplace that provides a broad view of production processes to control room operators, minimizing production downtime and helping to ensure the highest-quality output possible.
Matrox Extio technology uniquely allows for the extension of the user interface of the computer - the keyboard, mouse, monitors, audio peripherals and graphics hardware - from the rest of the computer by up to 820 feet (250 meters) of fiber-optic cable. Equipped with a Matrox-designed graphics chip, and support for 2 or 4 displays, these units offer unparalleled performance and image quality over great distance.
"The stability, distance - using very little cabling, multi-display support, and image quality provided with Matrox Extio products were key determining factors in our decision to incorporate this technology into the 800xA Extended Operator Workplace," says Per Lundmark, Marketing Manager - 800xA Extended Operator Workplace, ABB Automation Technologies. "Using a single fiber-optic cable we can now connect up to four monitors, as well as a keyboard and mouse to each certified Operator Workplace computer with perfect quality over a long distance. The unique Matrox Extio feature set has helped us to offer such a comprehensive productivity-enhancing solution to our customers."
Matrox Extio RGUs provide extra security and reliability by allowing the critical parts of a computer like the disks, memory, and processors to be kept in a separate, safe, secure room. This also saves space at the operator stations, removes a potentially noisy computer, and allows system administrators to access and maintain the system at a separate location.
"This design win reinforces our position as a global leader in the development of innovative, productivity-enhancing graphics technology that meets the needs of professionals in the field of process automation and other mission-critical environments," says Samuel Recine, Business Development Manager - Critical Decision Systems, Matrox Graphics Inc. "The Extio series of RGUs are ideal solutions for IT managers in high-reliability computing environments, enabling them to address such issues as system security, heat, noise, system maintenance and support."
For detailed information on how the ABB System 800xA Extended Operator Workplace benefits from Matrox Extio technology, please visit:
About Matrox Graphics Inc.
Matrox Graphics Inc. is the leading manufacturer of graphics solutions for professionals and has been delivering high-quality, innovative 2D/3D and video graphics accelerators since 1976. Creator of the multi-display phenomenon, Matrox combines its proven graphics chip designs, reliable software development and dependable card manufacturing expertise to produce products that are reputed worldwide for their superior image quality, practical ingenuity and unwavering stability. Matrox Graphics designs and supports graphics solutions optimized for utility, empowering professionals to see more and do more. A privately held company headquartered in Montreal, Canada, Matrox has international offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Italy and Hong Kong. For more information, visit
For further information on Matrox Extio RGUs for high-reliability environments, visit:
For more information:
Denise Brown,Senior Marketing Representative,Critical Decision Systems, Matrox Graphics Inc.,Tel: 514.822.6351Fax: 514.822.6363Email: