Sensors / Detectors / Transducers
Machine Data Transducer links shop floor to ERP.
Press Release Summary:
Model MDT-02 links production machines with Windows ProductionACE software. ERP interface uses ASCII files to download production order requirements into job queue, then transmits back to ERP finished part and reject counts, machine run time and down time, cycle time, and rate data. Transducer helps management establish real-world job standards and job cost data. It connects to machines via electrical on/off machine cycling signals.
Original Press Release:
Low Cost, Real Time Data Link From Production Machines To ERP
Press Release Date: December 4, 2003
LONDONDERRY, NH, USA, Dec. 4, 2003 - In the increasingly competitive manufacturing arena, companies will depend on timely collection and analysis of production floor data to improve productivity and be responsive to their customers. But it's not always easy to get that data: most production machines cannot communicate with a remote PC from the manufacturing floor, and the few machines that can communicate typically have a mix of incompatible communication protocols. The solution: a little device from Production Process ( called the MDT-02 Machine Data Transducer.
The MDT-02 connects to machines via electrical on/off machine cycling signals, rather than complicated and expensive serial connections. The MDT-02---one installed on each production machine---links all types of production machines with Production Process's Windows ProductionACE software. Its ERP interface uses simple ASCII files to download production order requirements into the Job Queue, then transmits back to ERP finished part and reject counts, machine run time and down time, cycle time and rate data.
"Our aim is to provide an economical and universal production floor data link to ERP for all types of discrete parts manufacturers," said Karl Ritzinger, president of Production Process. "Without feedback, ERP does not provide the capture of product data needed to track work-in-process and perform short term scheduling, nor does it provide information that can control the supply chain's actual ability to perform." But with a real-time connection to the shop floor, ERP systems become more effective. Electronically updated inventories improve work-in-process and inventory accuracy by eliminating the errors and time lag of manual data entry operations. Additionally, users can provide accurate delivery dates because the system calculates job completion based on actual shop floor conditions and machine constraints.
ERP isn't the only function to benefit from the MDT-02 and ProductionACE. A real time production floor "dashboard" ---showing machine status, production rates and cycle time and OEE calculations --- enables users to detect problems before productivity or quality suffers. Schedulers can use a graphical, drag and drop scheduling module to create optimal production schedule and respond quickly to requests for changes. To keep machinery in peak condition, maintenance departments can automatically collect and analyze causes of downtime. The system also automatically collects cycle count and run time to enable preventive maintenance scheduling based on actual usage. Finally, management can establish real-world job standards and job cost data by analyzing actual performance by job, product, machine, tooling, shift, department and operator.
"The bottom line is the bottom line," said Ritzinger. "The MDT-02 with ProductionACE provides accurate data in real time, to enable manufacturers to improve their productivity for the lowest cost. It's simply the most universal and economical shop floor connectivity solution available to manufacturers today."
Founded in 1972, Production Process develops controls, instruments and systems for manufacturers throughout North America and South America. The latest in the Production Process family of machine data transducers, the MDT-02 retails for $350. ProductionACE multi-user software runs on Windows 95-98, NT and 2000, with a list price of $3,245. Both are available for immediate delivery.
MDT-02 Product-specific URL: