Machine Condition Analyzer uses shock pulses.
Press Release Summary:
Leonova handheld machine condition analyzer has true zoom and enveloping, and produces 6400 line vibration spectrum over frequency ranges up to 20,000 Hz. Bearing condition data from shock pulse transducer is displayed together with green, yellow, or red signal. User presses spectrum button and looks at FFT with highlighted bearing frequencies and harmonics. Spectrum indicates which bearing component is damaged, while condition values show degree of damage.
Original Press Release:
SPM Instrument Introduces "Leonova"
Analyzer Uses Shock Pulses
Leonova handheld machine condition analyzer has true zoom and enveloping, and produces a 6400 line vibration spectrum over frequency ranges up to 20,000 Hz. Bearing condition data from the shock pulse transducer is displayed together with a green, yellow, or red signal. When a yellow or red bearing operation condition is displayed, the user simply presses the spectrum button and looks at the FFT with the highlighted bearing frequencies and harmonics. The spectrum indicates which bearing component is damaged, while the condition values will show the degree of damage.