LXI Compliant Ethernet Controlled Programmable Power Supplies

San Diego, California - January 30, 2006 - Elgar Electronics Corporation (EEC), a world leader in programmable AC and DC power supplies, today announced LXI certification of two DC product lines: DCS and DLM 600. Included are 41 models ranging from 600 Watts to 3000 Watts and from 1U half rack to 2U full rack.


"With the broad support and acceptance of Ethernet networking and the continuing evolution of its robust communications protocol, we view it as the ideal choice for automated test systems of today as well as the future," says Bill Ruff, VP of Marketing and Product Management at EEC.

Bill continued, "When powerful Ethernet capabilities are combined with a well-defined implementation specifically for instrumentation, such as the LXI Consortium Standard, ATE developers and users can proceed with confidence to rapidly deploy new or re-configure existing systems using this technology. At Elgar we are committed to providing LXI Standard compliant Ethernet for all of our major Sorensen and Elgar brand DC and AC power product lines."

The LXI Standard is an open, accessible standard identifying specifications and solutions related to the functional test, measurement and data acquisition industry. LXI's compact, flexible package, high-speed I/O and reliable measurements meet the needs of R&D and manufacturing engineers in delivering electronics for the aerospace/defense, automotive, industrial, medical, and consumer electronics markets. LXI certification indicates approval by the LXI Board to officially license the LXI logo for these products.

About EEC

Elgar Electronics Corporation, located in San Diego, California, is a world leader in programmable power supplies and related power products sold under the Elgar, Sorensen, and Power Ten brands. The company's technology plays a key role in automotive, aerospace, medical, telecom, semiconductor, defense, and OEM applications. EEC's comprehensive product range includes programmable AC power sources, programmable DC power systems and loads, solar array simulators, and integrated rack power subsystem services. For more information about Elgar and its power products, visit EEC online at www.elgar.com , e-mail an EEC applications engineer at sales@elgar.com , or call EEC at 800-733-5427 or 858-450-0085.

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