Logic Controller includes software for cam/profile design.

Press Release Summary:

ServoWire Motion and Logic Controller features software for creating electronic cams and profiles. Cam/Profile Designer tool aids in creation of Cam (master vs. follower position) and Profile (axis position vs. time) data. Cam motions are based on data table that describes motion of slave axis relative to motion of master axis. Cams and profiles can be up to 1,024 points in length, and interpolation between each point can be linear, quadratic, or cubic.

Original Press Release:

Software for Cams and Profiles

Cam/Profile Designer tool simplifies creating electronic cams and profiles.

ORMEC's ServoWire Motion & Logic Controller (SMLC) has added new software for creating electronic cams and profiles, plus a Cam/Profile Designer tool. The new features have been integrated into the SMLC and provided at no additional cost.

Cam motions are based on a data table that describes the motion of a slave axis relative to the motion of a master axis. Cams can be up to 1024 points in length and the interpolation between each point can be linear, quadratic or cubic. Multiple cams can be queued and/or repeated, as well as synchronized to high speed drive inputs.

Profile motions are based on a data table that describes the motion of an axis relative to time. Profiles can be up to 1024 points in length and the interpolation between each point can be linear, quadratic or cubic. Multiple profiles can be queued and/or repeated, as well as synchronized to high speed drive inputs.

The Cam/Profile Designer tool aids users in creating Cam (master vs. follower position) and Profile (axis position vs. time) data. Users can enter the data directly into Cam/Profile Designer, or they can import data from a file and edit it graphically.

Cam/Profile Designer Utility Features

View commanded position, velocity, acceleration and jerk data for specified motion.

Set the type of interpolation used on a segment by segment basis.

Contact Information:

For more information on ServoWire Motion & Logic Control, please contact ORMEC, 19 Linden Park, Rochester, NY 14625. Telephone: 1(800) 656-7632. FAX: 1 (585) 385-5999. Or visit ORMEC on the web at www.ormec.com.

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