Light Source offers choice of manual or remote control.

Press Release Summary:

Controlled via remote computer, palm pilot, or membrane keypad and LCD display on front panel, D2W-100 is combined flux of D2 and tungsten optically coupled to fiber optics. Light source is focused onto tip of fiber optics via collection optics and not direct couple. Tungsten source intensity can be controlled manually or automatically from external computer, and unit features filter wheel with 4 different filters. Source output can be compensated or uncompensated.

Original Press Release:

Applied Analytics Introduces the D2W-100

Applied Analytics introduces the D2W-100. A light source that is a combined flux of D2 and tungsten optically coupled to fiber optics with high efficiency. The light source is focused onto the tip of a fiber optics via collection optics and not direct couple. The tungsten source intensity can be controlled manually or automatically from an external computer. A filter wheel with four different filters is a standard feature. The shutter is one of the positions on the filter wheel. The source output can be compensated or uncompensated (to the alpha line)- selective compensation.

The D2W can be controlled via a membrane keypad and an LCD display on the front panel, a remote computer or a palm pilot.

Software control over tungsten intensity, source temperature, filter wheel position including a shutter, compensated / un compensated signal.

RS232 communication with external computer or palm allows for continuous and interactive use of all features such as dark current compensation.

The D2W can also be accessed through a windows based program, the D2W_RMT, that allows for complete control over the light source.

This unit is ideal as a stand alone unit or as a computer controlled source when running experiments.

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