Li-Ion Battery operates up to 3.0 hours without recharge.
Press Release Summary:
Rechargeable ThinkPad® G40 Series 12-cell Li-Ion Battery option can replace original battery or can be swapped in to extend unplugged computing time of ThinkPad notebook computer. It delivers output of 10.8 V and can be recharged in as little as 4.5-8.5 hours, depending on ThinkPad system usage while recharging. Battery includes over-discharge protection.
Original Press Release:
IBM ThinkPad G40 Series Li-Ion Battery
The ThinkPad® G40 Series Li-ion Battery is a rechargeable system battery. The ThinkPad G40 Series system battery option can replace the original battery or can be easily swapped in to extend the unplugged computing time of the ThinkPad notebook. This 12-cell battery option delivers an output of 10.8 V. It can be recharged in as little as 4.5 to 8.5 hours, depending on the ThinkPad system usage while recharging.
Key Prerequisites
The ThinkPad G40 Series Li-Ion Battery is supported on all models of the IBM ThinkPad G40, machine types 2387, 2388, and 2389.
Planned Availability Date
May 20, 2003
At a Glance
The ThinkPad G40 Series Li-Ion Battery features:
o Up to 3.0 hours of battery life without recharge (depending on the ThinkPad model)
o Over-discharge protection
o Li-Ion technology
o Twelve cells
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