Level Switches suit extreme application conditions.

Press Release Summary:

Horizontal and Vertical liquid level switches feature modular 3-piece design and are available in 316 stainless steel, Hastelloy, PP, and PTFE. They offer high or low level alarms and include 2 independent circuits on each switch. Units provide electrical, on-off pneumatic, and proportional pneumatic controls. ANSI and square flanges are available.

Original Press Release:

New Modular Range of Horizontal and Vertical Liquid Level Switches

Granzow Inc. is now introducing a new range of liquid level switches which offers the user complete units for his application conditions.

The level switches are engineered for the majority of extreme fluid level control applications.

Some of the standard features are:

- ANSI flanges and square flanges
- Modular three (3) piece design
- Available in 316SS, Hastelloy, PP anid PTFE
- Applications for high or low level alarms
- Two (2) independent circuits on each switch
- Electrical, on-off pneumatic and proportional pneumatic controls

For further details contact:

Granzow Inc.
2300 CrownPoint Executive Drive
Charlotte, NC 28227

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