Introducing Form.Z 6.5 at AIA
May 2, 2007 - AIA Conference, San Antonio, Texas - AutoDesSys is pleased to announce the introduction of form*Z RenderZone Plus (version 6.5). "This is a new product that represents a major evolutionary step toward Global llumination, which is now supported by different techniques, including Final Gather, Ambient Occlusion, and improved radiosity. These can be used separately or they can be combined to complement one another. The new product will be offered at the RenderZone price. Please visit Booth 11163 for a live demonstration.
"form.Z RenderZone Plus now becomes the all inclusive and the highest level of built-in rendering form.Z offers. RadioZity will be retired as a separate product, but its features are incorporated in the new rendering software," says Chris Yessios, president of AutoDesSys. "The aim is to arm designers with a product that requires little effort to set up, is easy to control, and produces stunning results in a short period of time. Unlike traditional radiosity, which is slow and cumbersome to use, RendeZone Plus offers an uncomplicated approach to powerful results that enrich 3D modeling for presentations, visualization, and animation. AutoDesSys is proud to be considered by many as the developer of the most advanced and complete 3D software in the industry. We feel that with the release of RenderZone Plus, we offer to designers and contribute to the industry the best they can get their hands on".
While primarily a rendering development, form.Z 6.5, includes additional improvements and enhancements, as summarized below.
Global illumination (GI) in form*Z RenderZone Plus 6.5 is based on two techniques: Final Gather and Ambient Occlusion, that may also be supported by radiosity methods. All three techniques are offered through simple interfaces that allow the user to produce impressive images with accurate simulations of light, with little effort and time.
o Ambient occlusion (AO) is based on the assumption that all scenes have omni-directional ambient light of uniform intensity. For a given pixel, it finds if there is any object close by that occludes it and, when it does, keeps some of the ambient light from reaching it. Ambient occlusion effects are easy to control and significantly enhance the realism of a rendered image.
o Final gather (FG) calculates, in addition to the direct lighting, a one bounce indirect illumination that occurs at rendering time and can be further enhanced by making use of a quick radiosity solution. Once calculated, the illumination is maintained, unless changes are made to the scene. It is very efficient in handling atmospheric and environment lights.
o Radiosity's primary role is to support final gather to which it can be added directly when rendering a scene. It can also be applied independently and used as a pure radiosity analysis based rendering method, with a newly revised simpler interface.
Additional rendering enhancements include new methods for exposure correction and new shaders. The majority of these are intended to support architectural renderings. They include shingles, brick pavers, road and sidewalk paving, and frosted glass. Furthermore, a new gradient shader can generate a variety of color gradients in a surface.
The OpenGL based Interactive Shaded renderer has been re-engineered to improve performance and attain new features. Specific improvements include shadows from point and cone lights that can now be shown with accurate intensities. Procedural textures generated by RenderZone can now also be rendered. Transparent and bump textures, both map based and procedural, can now be rendered.
The STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data) translator has been included in all versions of form*Z 6.5.
Sketch Rendering is standard in RenderZone Plus. This rendering mode creates images with expressionistic effects that make them appear as if they were done by hand sketching or painting techniques.
Both STEP and Sketch Rendering were previously only available as plugin purchases.
For additional information, you may contact
Alexandra Yessios,
VP or Sales & Marketing
AutoDesSys is dedicated to providing the most advanced tools to all those engaged in the articulation of 3D forms. It researches and provides the latest technology in the 3D industry. It develops cross platform products that support 2D, 3D, photorealistic rendering, and animation.
form*Z facilitates the development and execution of projects from conception to complete detailed structures, and automatically fabricated. It combines polygonal with smooth parametric modeling to provide the designer utmost flexibility and freedom of expression, along with information management, and state of the art tools, complemented by an open architecture for further customization.
RenderZone Plus provides the ultimate in photorealistic rendering with Global Illumination based on Final Gather, Ambient Occlusion, and Radiosity, for advanced simulation of lighting effects and rendering techniques. RE-engineered OpenGL offers procedural textures, transparencies, bump textures, and shadows with accurate intensities.