Hole Drilling System offers capabilities down to .032 in.

Press Release Summary:

Dual spindle deep hole drilling system utilizes counter-rotation of tool and workpiece, which can be set at speeds of 300, 600, or 1,200 rpm, for concentricity. Spindle drives are infinitely variable from 3,000-21,000 rpm and utilize direct drives with ceramic bearings. Its 2 spindles have independent way units that allow drilling of 2 different parts simultaneously. Drilling range is .032-.375 in. dia and drilling depth is up to 12 in.

Original Press Release:

TechniDrill Introduces Dual Spindle Deep Hole Drilling System with Capabilities Down to .032"

Kent, OH: TechniDill Systems, Inc., a global builder of gun drill, BTA and ejector deep hole drilling machines, has recently introduced a deep hole drilling system for very small holes.

This new dual spindle machine has a wide drilling range of .032" to .375" in diameter and an effective drilling depth up to 12" with two whip guides. The system utilizes counter rotation of the tool and the workpiece to attain superior concentricity. Counter-rotation of tailstock can be set at speeds of 300, 600, or 1200 RPM.

The new system employs high-speed spindle drives that are infinitely variable from 3000 to 21,000 RPM and utilize direct drives with state-of-the-art ceramic bearings. The two spindles with two independent way units allow the drilling of two different parts simultaneously. Precision linear way systems are used on both head stocks and tailstocks.

Precision, self-steadying rests are used for the workpiece, laser alignments are employed for the spindles, starting bushings, and counter-rotational collets.

The coolant system consists of two 6 GPM/2500 psi high pressure pumps and a three-stage filtration system that permits filtration down to 3 microns.

For plant cleanliness and safety, the system is fully shrouded and operates almost without any noticeable machine noise.

According to Jim Sundberg, vice president of TechniDrill, this machine is one of our greatest engineering triumphs. We already see applications in medical implants and instruments; automotive rocker arms, fuel injection nozzles and bodies; instrumentation, aerospace and defense."

For more information, contact TechniDrill Systems, Inc., 429 Portage Blvd., Kent, Ohio 44240. Tel: 800-914-5863 or 330-678-9980. Fax: 330-678-9981. E-mail: jsundberg@technidrillsystems.com.

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