High Voltage SIP Reed Relay has rugged design.
Press Release Summary:
Featuring molded thermoset body, 9104 HV SIP has metal shell that reduces interaction of relays that may be mounted next to each other. Product is available in 5 and 12 V coils with optional internal diode. High-voltage switching capability is rated up to 1,000 Vdc/ac peak, and dielectric strength is greater than 2,000 Vdc/ac peak in normally open contact state. Applications include automatic test equipment, instrumentation, and process control circuitry.
Original Press Release:
High-Voltage SIP Relay is Small & Rugged
Coto Technology now offers the second generation of the 9104 Series Reed Relay - a small, rugged High-Voltage SIP Reed Relay featuring high-voltage switching capability up to 1000VDC/AC peak. In the normally-open contact state, dielectric strength is greater than 2000 VDC/AC peak. Historically, SIP relays have been proven reliable and simple to use; now, the 9104's high-voltage standoff and switching capability make these relays suitable for use in Automatic Test Equipment, Instrumentation and Process Control circuitry where voltage isolation is a key design requirement.
The 9104 HV SIP comes standard with a metal shell to reduce interaction of relays that may be mounted next to one another; additionally, a recently-modified shell further improves high voltage standoff. High dielectric strength materials and the molded thermoset body provide a very robust design. This rugged design, combined with Coto's state-of-the-art winding equipment ensures highly reliable high-voltage SIP relays at an attractive price.
The 9104 is available in 5V and 12V coils with an optional internal Diode. OEM pricing for the base part ranges from $3.86 (10K qty) to $4.56 (1K qty) with delivery from Stock to 6 weeks ARO. A datasheet can be downloaded from Coto's Website: www.cotorelay.com.
For more information contact: email: sales@cotorelay.com