Hach Offers Free DR Spectrophotometer Software Upgrades

Hach Offers Free DR Spectrophotometer Software Upgrades for Simplified Verification and Flexible Data Management

Loveland, Colo.-Nov. 17, 2008-Hach Company has released software updates for its DR 2700 Portable, DR 2800 Portable and DR 5000 UV-Vis spectrophotometers. These upgrades simplify verification checks and provide more flexibility when programming instruments and managing data. New spectrophotometers will include this software update, and current owners can download the upgrades on Hach's website at no cost. Upgrade benefits include:

Simplified verification

o Easily perform various optical checks on the instrument including stray light, photometrical accuracy, and wavelength accuracy with menu-guided verification. Following verification, the instrument displays a PASS or FAIL message. Send results to a USB storage device, PC, or printer.

Easy transfer of custom user programs to multiple instruments

o Transfer a program from one instrument to another using a USB storage device. Ideal for large companies needing to apply a special user program on multiple instruments.

Automatic data management

o Program the instrument to automatically send data to a PC or LIMS system versus manually sending the data.

For more information on Hach Company's spectrophotometer software upgrades, or to download a free upgrade, please visit www.hach.com/specsoftware or call 800-227-4224.

For more information, contact:

Anne Stephenson

970-663-1377 x2345


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