Ground Bond Tester displays data on graphic LCD.
Press Release Summary:

Original Press Release:
World's First Mid-Range Ground Bond Tester with an Enhanced Graphic LCD
World's First Mid-Range Ground Bond Tester with an Enhanced Graphic LCD
Lake Forest, lllinois, October 2001 - Associated Research, Inc., the leading manufacturer of Electrical Safety Compliance Testing Instruments has just introduced a new model that compliments its Hypot® Ill family of products. The new HYAMP® Ill model 3130 is a Ground Bond tester that features a new graphic liquid crystal display and some of the advanced features and leading edge technology of AR's more advanced automated products. "AR has often used the strategy of spilling down new technology into its other products to provide enhanced functionality and safety," said Joe Guerriero vice president. "Our customers have asked for an easy to use, mid range Ground Bond tester that will compliment our basic Hipot testers, so we responded."
The HYAMP III's new enhanced graphic LCD shows critical information more prominently than the older style 2-line LCD's. Now operators can see test data and Pass/Fail conditions more prominently. Model 3130 also provides up to 30 Amps of current continuous duty, features a built-in test and dwell timer function as well as a built-in verification system. PLC control is provided through a 9-pin "D" type connector providing inputs for test and reset and outputs for pass, fail, and test-in-process.
Using one of AR's Hypot III models interconnected to the new HYAMP III a customer can perform the four most common safety tests, AC Hipot, DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance and Ground Bond. HYAMP IlI's 2U 1/2 rack mount cabinet design provides interconnect capabilities to the Hypot III family of similarly designed 2U Y2 rack mount style instruments. These two instruments can then be rack mounted side by side in a single 19" 2U rack space. The interconnect capability of these two instruments also provides a single DUT connection and automates the test sequence or sequences chosen by the operator such as AC Hipot, DC Hipot, IR test and Ground Bond test. If the operator prefers, linked tests may via a "single step mode" be accessed and performed one at a time. These two instruments form a mid-range system with simple PLC control
Other Features of the HYAMP III Include
2U 1/2 Rack Mount Style Cabinet . Remote Memory Select
No Load Set-Up of High Current a Milliohm Offset
Remote Safety Interlock . Remote PLC control
Line and Load Regulation
Tamper Proof Controls
Switchable 50/60Hz Testing . Single Step Mode for Linked Tests
10 Memories with 3 Steps Per Memory