Fire Suppression System installs on vertical carousels.

Press Release Summary:

Pneumatically-operated Fire Suppression System features tube system installed near high-risk fire areas in vertical carousel that operates as detection and suppression device. If controls or motor overheat, high temperature causes tubing nearest hot spot to burst, releasing pressurized fire suppression agent directly on source of heat, extinguishing hot spot and minimizing collateral material and equipment damage.

Original Press Release:

Remstar Introduces Fire Suppression System for New and Existing Vertical Carousels in Industrial Equipment Operations

A new low cost, discrete fire suppression system from Remstar International can be easily installed on vertical carousels to give industrial equipment organizations an efficient and effective method of extinguishing fires. The pneumatically operated system is approved and certified by Factory Mutual and Underwriters' Laboratories. It features a patented tube system installed near the high-risk fire areas in a vertical carousel, including the motor and electronic controls. The tube operates as both the detection and suppression device. If the controls or motor overheat, the high temperature causes the tubing nearest the hot spot to burst, releasing the pressurized fire suppression agent directly on the source of the heat, extinguishing the hot spot. By discretely applying the suppression agent to only the potential hot spot, collateral material and equipment damage is reduced. Because the system uses just small amounts of extinguishing agents, it poses less risk of occupational exposure than other types of extinguishing systems. Vertical carousels can be equipped with the Remstar fire suppression system during and after installation. Remstar International Inc., a company of the Kardex AG Remstar International (KRI) Group of Zurich, Switzerland, is a leading provider of automated storage and retrieval systems for manufacturing, distribution and warehousing applications. For more information on Progressive Assembly Horizontal Carousels call 800-639-5805 or visit the Remstar web site at

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