Expense Management Software monitors telecom facilities.

Press Release Summary:

CommADVISOR(TM) v2.0 audits every line item of every telecom bill before it is paid, and recommends changes in contracts and services. It automates departmental cost accounting and general ledger integration, providing fully documented process and expense visibility framework as required for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. CommADVISOR supports all required cross-organizational workflows and provides real-time accruals for credits and disputes.

Original Press Release:

Cerylion Announces CommADVISOR(TM) v2.0 Telecom Facilities and Expense Management Suite

Provides Enterprise Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance and Telecom Expense Reductions

BURLINGTON, Mass., Nov. 15 - Cerylion today announced version 2.0 of CommADVISOR(TM), the class-defining, completely automated system for managing the full lifecycle of telecom facilities and expenses. CommADVISOR automatically audits every line item of every telecom bill before it is paid and recommends changes in telecom contracts and services that produce immediate and ongoing telecom cost savings. Typical enterprise users are saving 7 1/2 % to 15% of their total telecom expense while reducing workload and freeing up support personnel. Version 2.0 is the first telecom expense management software suite that fully automates departmental cost accounting and general ledger integration, providing a fully documented process and expense visibility framework as required for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.

"CommADVISOR represents a new era in telecom control and expense management," according to Dr. Lawrence Isaacson, Babson College Professor Emeritus, who has recently undertaken a series of case studies of how enterprises are managing their fast growing voice and data expense. "Now, for the first time, CFOs and CIOs can know for sure that they are spending their telecom dollars wisely."

CommADVISOR supports all required cross-organizational workflows, provides real time accruals for credits and disputes, and visibility into all processes and controls at any level of telecom billing granularity. CommADVISOR creates and archives Sarbanes-Oxley compliant reference documentation for all voice and data telecom billing as well as an audit trail of all process actions, thereby meeting new Sarbanes-Oxley requirements.

According to Dr. Isaacson, "CommADVISOR users are immediately realizing significant telecom savings, gaining new financial control of their telecom networks, while simultaneously and automatically creating Sarbanes-Oxley compliance documentation."

For additional information on telecom billing solutions, or for more details on CommADVISOR, go to http://cerylion.com/products/commadvisor.asp.

About Cerylion
Cerylion, headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts, was founded in 1999 to provide cost-effective tools to solve the problems of enterprises operating within increasingly interconnected real-time business environments. CommADVISOR incorporates Cerylion's patented Service Router technology to enable real-time transactional operations across disparate carrier and enterprise systems. For more information on Cerylion, go to www.cerylion.com/.

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