Erasable Easel Pads can be reused indefinitely.
Press Release Summary:
Allowing write-on/wipe-off using 3 different kinds of markers, ALL WAYS® easel pads are white, laminated sheets, which won't tear, crease, wrinkle, bleed, or show through. Each sheet is plain white on one side while rule-printed with light 1 in. squares on other, and can be used with any standard flip chart easel. Kit contains 10 laminated erasable pages (bound or loose), 1 Liquid Chalk® marker, 1 washable marker, 1 permanent marker, 1 visu-wipe, and 1 bottle of Dual Purpose Cleaner®.
Original Press Release:
Reusable/Erasable Flip Charts Present Material in Brilliant Color
ALL WAYS® easel pads are specifically designed for making more effective presentations. Write-on/wipe-off selectively by using three different kinds of markers. Changes or revisions to a prepared presentation can easily be made without reworking an entire sheet. Erasable easel pads are reusable indefinitely without the fear of tearing a page.
ALL WAYS® easel pad pages are clean, white, laminated sheets which won't tear, crease, wrinkle, "bleed", or show through. Each erasable pad sheet is plain white one side and rule-printed with very light one-inch squares on the other. ALL WAYS® easel pads may be used with any standard flip chart easel.
Each erasable pad kit contains: 10 laminated erasable pages (bound or loose), 1 Liquid Chalk® marker, 1 washable marker, 1 permanent marker, 1 visu-wipe, and 1 bottle of Dual Purpose Cleaner®.
For a complete selection of easels and plain paper pads ask for free 144-page catalog no. 4601VC6.
MagnaPlan Corporation
1320 Route 9
Champlain, N.Y. 12919
(518) 298-8404
Fax: (518) 298-2368
2209 Tucker Street
Burlington, N.C. 27215
(336) 228-0188
Fax: (336) 227-9211
Albany, N.Y.
(518) 298-8404
Fax: (518) 298-2368
Account Executive - Boris Polanski