Epoxy Adhesive suits variety of applications.

Press Release Summary:

Tra-Bond 970-1N1 sag resistant epoxy adhesive develops aluminum-to-aluminum lab shear strength of 3,000 psi, can reach glass transition temperature of 83°C, and cures to 75 shore D hardness. Available in sizes and packaging to match unique application needs, product is offered in pre-mixed and frozen syringes or in Bipax for room temperature storage.

Original Press Release:

Tra-Bond 970-1N1

Tra-Bond 970-1N1 is the perfect sag resistant epoxy for a wide variety of application. The adhesive can develop aluminum-to-aluminum lab shear strength of 3,000psi. It can reach a glass transition temperature of 83°C and cures to a shore D hardness of 75.

The epoxy is also available in a variety of sizes and packaging to match your application needs. Tra-Bond 970-1N1 can be purchased in pre-mixed and frozen syringes, or in Bipax for room temperature storage.

Tra-Bond 970-1N1 is one of the many high tech adhesives available from Tra-Con. To request a free sample of an adhesive contact an Application Engineer today.

Call 1-800-TRA-CON-1 or visit the web at www.tra-con.com

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