Environmentally Friendly Noise Control Underlayment from Kinetics

January 19, 2010 - Kinetics Noise Control Inc., Dublin, Ohio and U.S. Rubber Recycling Inc., Colton, California have partnered to produce and supply an innovative and environmentally friendly flooring underlay material that reduces noise transfer in multi-story residences and buildings. Combining the manufacturing expertise of U.S. Rubber Recycling who is a world leader in fitness flooring and other products made with 100% recycled rubber, Kinetics assisted in the engineering and development of this sound control underlayment. Rick Snyder, CEO of U.S. Rubber Recycling stated that "Kinetics brought their knowledge of structural noise and vibration control as it relates to the building industry and worked with our company to create a recycled rubber material with optimal properties for architectural flooring applications." Kinetics Noise Control has engineered and manufactured hundreds of products to control noise and vibration over the past 50 years and is now supplying this product under the name IsoLayment.
Additional information can be found at www.kineticsnoise.com/arch/isolayment.aspx or by calling 800-959-1229.
About Kinetics Noise Control
Celebrating our 50th year in 2008, Kinetics Noise Control has extensive experience in designing and manufacturing innovative products to control sound and vibration. Established in 1958 as engineers focusing on sound and vibration control, Kinetics pioneered development of pre-compressed, molded fiberglass pad isolators that would be incorporated into an innovative new floor isolation system. Previous trade names of Kinetics Noise Control include Consolidated Kinetics and Peabody Noise Control.
Over fifty years later, Kinetics' now produces the industry's largest selection of innovative products to address vibration and noise control, room acoustics, and seismic restraint concerns for almost any building application. Value is added with our experienced staff of engineering and customer support people ready to work with you. For more information, visit www.kineticsnoise.com.
Matt Swysgood
Vice President of Architectural and Interior Sales
Kinetics Noise Control
614-889-0480 x250