EDA Software offers 3D models of electrical performance.
Press Release Summary:
With EMPro 2012, users can create 3D models and analyze electrical performance of packages, connectors, antennas, and other RF and high-speed components. Integration with Advanced Design System (ADS) software is based on shared database approach. Three-dimensional objects in EMPro can be saved as design database cells for use directly in ADS. Low-frequency analysis algorithm optimizes accuracy below 100 MHz, including at DC, in finite element method simulations.
Original Press Release:
Agilent Technologies' Newest 3D-EM Software Release Increases Integration with Circuit Design Flow
SANTA CLARA, Calif. - Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced the latest release of its Electromagnetic Professional software. EMPro 2012 will make it easier to create 3-D models and analyze the electrical performance of packages, connectors, antennas, and other RF and high-speed components.
Agilent will demonstrate EMPro 2012, along with solutions that range from circuit-level modeling through system verification for general RF, microwave, 4G communications, and aerospace/defense applications at IMS 2012/IEEE MTT-S (Booth 1015), June 19-21, in Montréal, Canada. A range of premier partner solutions will also be available on Agilent Avenue and throughout the event area.
The EMPro 2012 update includes a new level of integration with Agilent's Advanced Design System software, along with several simulator enhancements to improve performance and accelerate product development.
EMPro's increased level of integration with ADS is based on a shared database approach. Three-dimensional objects in EMPro can now be saved as ADS design database "cells" for use directly in ADS. As an example, a 3-D SMA connector cell created in EMPro now has "cell views" that can be placed either directly in an ADS schematic for circuit/electromagnetic cosimulation, or in an ADS layout (for an RF printed circuit board, for example) for full 3-D EM simulations in ADS.
"Direct integration streamlines the design process and will give circuit designers easier access to full 3-D EM modeling capabilities," said Marc Petersen, 3-D EM product manager for Agilent EEsof EDA. "No other product has this level of interoperability between 3-D EM analysis and RF/high-speed product design."
EMPro 2012 will also introduce several advances in EM simulation technology. A new low-frequency analysis algorithm improves accuracy below 100 MHz, including at DC, in finite element method simulations. Previous FEM solvers have had difficulty producing accurate, stable results at DC and low frequencies, which is required in subsequent circuit simulations, even for higher frequency applications. Additionally, Agilent has enhanced EMPro's FEM meshing technology for increased speed (typically 50 percent faster) and robustness.
U.S. Pricing and Availability
The EMPro 2012 release will be available for download in July 2012. Pricing for the EMPro environment starts at $7,000. Interested parties can evaluate the software by applying for a trial version at www.agilent.com/find/eesof-empro-downloads-and-trials. Application examples covering a wide range of topics, including packaging, antennas, RF PCBs, RF modules, connectors and radar applications can be downloaded at edocs.soco.agilent.com/display/eesofapps/EM+Applications.
More information on EMPro 2012 is available at www.agilent.com/find/eesof-empro. Visit the Agilent YouTube network at www.youtube.com/AgilentTM to see latest products and applications videos in electronic design and measurement.
About Agilent EEsof EDA Software
Agilent EEsof EDA is the leading supplier of electronic design automation software for microwave, RF, high-frequency, high-speed digital, RF system, electronic system level, circuit, 3-D electromagnetic, physical design and device-modeling applications. More information is available at www.agilent.com/find/eesof.
About Agilent Technologies
Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) is the world's premier measurement company and a technology leader in chemical analysis, life sciences, electronics and communications. The company's 18,700 employees serve customers in more than 100 countries. Agilent had net revenues of $6.6 billion in fiscal 2011. Information about Agilent is available at www.agilent.com.