Drilling Services handle variety of metals and plastics.

Press Release Summary:

Prototype and custom deep hole drilling services are designed for companies that require single deep hole or limited quantity (1-500 pieces) drilling. Diameters range from .062-1.5 in. and depths are available to 48 in. Services are available for standard steels, exotic and non-ferrous metals, and plastics for castings, forgings, automotive components, aerospace parts, and plastic and rubber molds.

Original Press Release:

TechniDrill Introduces Prototype and Custom Deep Hole Drilling Services

Kent, OH: TechniDrill Systems, Inc, a global builder of gundrill, BTA and ejector deep hole drilling machines, has recently introduced prototype and custom deep hole drilling services.

Located near Akron and Cleveland, Ohio, TechniDrill now offers prototype and small quantity (generally 1-500 pieces) deep hole drilling ranging in diameters from .062" to 1.5" and in depths up to 48". Utilizing TechniDrill custom-designed equipment, drilling is fast, accurate and highly cost effective.

In addition to all standard steels, TechniDrill has the capability to also drill exotic metals, non-ferrous metals and even plastics. According to Jim Kent, President of TechniDrill, 'We offer years of drilling expertise to handle such metals as nickel alloys, titanium, stainless and other difficult-to-drill metals."

TechniDrill's new services are ideal for ductile, gray iron, malleable iron, steel and non-ferrous castings, forgings, automotive components, aerospace parts, plastic and rubber molds and other workpieces requiring very accurate deep holes.

According to Kent, "Our services are designed to meet the needs of companies that require a single deep hole or a quantity so limited that the purchase of a deep hole drilling system would not be cost effective."

For more information, contact TechniDrill Systems, Inc., 429 Portage Blvd., Kent, Ohio 44240. Tel: 330-678-9980. Fax: 330-678-9981. E-Mail: jkent@technidrillsystems.com.

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