Distribution Profilers evaluate loading.

Press Release Summary:

Intended for power utilities, Series MDP provides information to evaluate loading on feeders/overhead lines and to identify needed upgrades. Customers can record currents up to 1,000 A, with additional 200 A over-range. All 3 models offer wide range of data retrieval options and virtually unlimited data recording. Software provides waveform capture and harmonic analysis up to 32nd order, individual harmonics, THD, frequency and imbalance charting, and variety of analysis reports.

Original Press Release:

Evaluate Loading and Identify Upgrades with the New Megger Distribution Profilers

Evaluate Loading and Identify Upgrades with the New Megger Distribution Profilers

Megger is pleased to introduce a family of three Distribution Profilers ranging from a simple "current only" version to an advanced unit that offers a number of market requested features. The MDP series of distribution profilers provides power utilities with the most accurate and extensive information ever to precisely evaluate loading on feeders/overhead lines and to identify needed upgrades or replacement. Each MDP can be easily upgraded to the next model at any time.

Customers can easily and accurately record currents up to 1,000 amps, with an additional 200 amp over-range. All three units supply a wide range of data retrieval options and offer virtually unlimited data recording. The lightweight, durable, single-piece unit performs effectively in all weather conditions and accurately captures data. A sturdy battery compartment offers simple plug-in access and replacement, helping to avoid risks that can cause leaking and water ingress.

The MDP Series also incorporates powerful software, providing waveform capture and harmonic analysis up to the 32nd order, individual harmonics, THD, frequency and imbalance charting and a selection of informative analysis reports.

For more information...
For further information, contact Gary Guthrie, Megger, 4271 Bronze Way, Dallas, TX 75237 (214) 331-7360.

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