Disaster Recovery Service minimizes risk for companies.
Press Release Summary:
With BlueBackUp Disaster Recovery Plan, customer's data is restored on physical/virtual server at data center and business operations are back up and running within short time span. During time it takes for servers to become operational, customer can connect remotely via VPN connection to DR site, where applications have been restored. Customers can also test disaster recovery plan with a few mouse-clicks to ensure it is ready should disaster strike.
Original Press Release:
BlueBackUp Revolutionizes Disaster Recovery by Introducing an Affordable DR Plan for Businesses
BRUSSELS, July 8/--BlueBackUp announces the launch of its new Disaster Recovery service, which significantly reduces the level of risk for companies by enabling them to restore their business quickly after a major incident - at a cost that is considerably lower than a conventional DRP, while also providing a broader level of service than its competitors.
Implementing a business recovery plan can be both complex and costly. Also, in the light of the current economic crisis, it comes a no surprise to learn that almost 50% of companies employing between 100 and 1,000 staff prefer not to invest in a comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan.
There can be a number of reasons for this: the cost of investment may be too high, the business may lack infrastructure or be short of qualified staff. Also, by calling on a company that specialises in DR that also supplies backup offices and hardware, businesses are still ultimately responsible for the most critical part of the recovery process: rebuilding their servers and IT data.
BlueBackUp's new Disaster Recovery offering represents a highly attractive alternative for companies that do not have the budget or infrastructure needed to establish a full DRP.
How does the BlueBackUp Disaster Recovery Plan work?
- If there is a server crash or serious incident in the office, the customer's data is restored on physical/virtual servers at BlueBackUp's data centre (DR site).
- During the time it takes for new servers to become operational, the customer can connect remotely (via a VPN connection) to the DR site, where its critical applications will have been restored. This enables customers to restart their business within a very short space of time (3, 12, 24, 48 hours, etc.).
- BlueBackUp can also make backup offices and hardware available to companies that need them.
- Unlike other Disaster Recovery providers, BlueBackUp takes responsibility for rebuilding the customer's applications ? which represents a genuine added value in comparison with conventional DR services.
What are the main benefits of BlueBackUp compared with a conventional DRP?
- Business operations are back up and running within a very short space of time should disaster strike, plus greater flexibility of service
- In cases where customers are already backing up their data at our data centres, BlueBackUp is in the ideal position to help them recover their data very quickly
- Customers can choose the actual amount of time it takes to restart their business.
- No need to worry about the maintenance and cost of a disaster recovery site or finding replacement hardware
- Emergency spare servers are maintained by BlueBackUp at its own data centre.
- BlueBackUp handles the task of finding backup offices for customers who need it.
- Unlike conventional Disaster Recovery Plans, it is BlueBackUp itself that takes charge of the entire procedure of rebuilding data.
- Customers can also test the disaster recovery plan with a few mouse-clicks so that they are ready should disaster strike one day.
"Being able to guarantee business continuity should a major problem occur is a real worry for companies. explains Philip Wittmann, BlueBackUp's founder. "But not at any price - especially in the current economic climate. "With BlueBackUp and by combining backup and Disaster Recovery, every company can now protect itself against these serious risks, as well as implement a Business Continuity Plan that will deliver unbeatable value for money, whatever its size and scope."
BlueBackUp is the first online backup service to offer its customers a complete Disaster Recovery solution. And by expanding its offering even further in the wake of the recent launch of exclusive data restoration tools, BlueBackUp clearly intends to set the benchmark by positioning itself as THE specialist in protecting IT data.
For further technical information about the Disaster Recover solution proposed by BlueBackUp, please visit www.bluebackup.com
About BlueBackUp
BlueBackUp is a subsidiary of Oodrive Technologies. Over time, it has become the leading specialist in protecting critical data via the Internet.
BlueBackUp offers its customers a comprehensive suite of online backup and Disaster Recovery solutions that use Evault DeltaBlock technology to meet the needs of businesses operating in complex IT environments.
Eric Toussaint, Marketing Responsible, Phone: +32-2-306-86-96, E-mail: eto@bluebackup.be