Diaphragm Pumps allow large particles to pass through.
Press Release Summary:
Air driven, double diaphragm sanitary pumps are manufactured in polished 316 stainless steel with diaphragms of food grade EPDM or PTFE. Mechanism operating diaphragm is maintenance free and ensures hygienic operation. Pumps come in 1, 1 1/2, 2, and 3 in. sizes and are supplied with polished stainless steel stand.
Original Press Release:
New Sanitary Air Diaphragm Pump
Granzow Inc. is now introducing a new range of air driven double diaphragm pumps.
This new series of sanitary pumps is manufactured in polished
316 stainless steel with diaphragms of food grade EPDM or PTFE.
The sanitary pumps are well suited for allowing larger particles such as cherries, strawberries, mushrooms, etc. to pass through the pump. The pumps are also suited for liverpaste, jams, chocolates, creams juices, etc.
The mechanism operating the diaphragm is maintenance free and
ensures hygienic operation.
The pumps are available in 1", 1-1/2", 2" and 3" sizes and are
supplied with a polished stainless steel stand.
For further details, write or contact:
Granzow Inc.
2300 CrownPoint Executive Drive
Charlotte, NC 28227